This manufacturer supports BEUG
Hoeben Electronics

From idea, components, development, production to the complete electronics of YOUR product.


is Innovasic components distributor for products like the 8044, 80152, 80C152, 82510, 2901, 2910

buys and sells obsolete components like the Bitbus 8044 and 80C152 from Intel,

co-invests with software and hardware in new products or developments,

  • develops electronics and software, often industrial, for large, small, and also starting companies:
  • development of electronics, schematics, wrap or manual soldered boards to tested prototype
  • simulation with Spice, MicroCap, Electronics Workbench
  • schematic drawing with Orcad, UltiCap
  • print layout, pcb's, with UltiBoard,
  • firmware and software in Delphi, 'C', PLM (PL/M51), Pascal or assembler.